Price vs. Quantity
Ice Cream Perceptual Map Interpretation The chart above represents five of the top ice cream brands in the United States, rated on the attributes of price (the horizontal axis) and quantity (the vertical axis). As brands land higher on the chart, they deliver more ice cream per dollar amount than the ones below. The same can be said for the migration of left to right: the further right a brand lands on the chart, the more the consumer will pay per pint/quart of ice cream. Additionally, the size of each brand's bubble is in coordination with their respectful market share within the industry. Blue Bell (represented by the orange bubble) would appear to be the best option for the consumer, having the lowest price and the highest quantity. This, however, is dependent upon the fact that quantity and price are the two main drivers of the consumer's buying behavior when it comes to ice cream. If instead the consumer's internal motivator were taste or nutrition, the ma...